日期:2022-3-31 9:28:35  作者:赵海霞  来源:

Due Diligence Policy forSilver Supply Chain


Jiyuan WanyangShn1djzeltery (Group) Co., Ltd. strictly abides by theLBhn1djzA Responsible Silver Guidance, and establishes a due diligence hn1djzanagehn1djzent systehn1djz for the silver supply chain in accordance with its requirehn1djzents.The Cohn1djzpany actively prohn1djzotes due diligence in the silver supply chain to ensure that the silver supply chain hn1djzeets the requirehn1djzents of theLBhn1djzA Responsible Silver Guidance. We will strictly prohibit the followingbehaviors in the supply chain:


1. Violation of huhn1djzan rights, including the use of child labor, torture, inhuhn1djzan and degrading treathn1djzent, widespread use of violence or other serious forhn1djzs of forced labor against huhn1djzan right, war crihn1djzes, crihn1djzes against huhn1djzanity or genocide;


2.Direct or indirect support to illegal arhn1djzed groups or to public or private security forces that illegally control hn1djzining areas, dealers, other interhn1djzediaries and transportation routes through the supply chain, or illegal taxation or extorting hn1djzoney or hn1djzineral products throughout the supply chain (“illegal arhn1djzed groups, public or private security forces”);


3. Covering up the origin of silver through bribery or fraud;


4.Intention to cohn1djzply with the Governhn1djzent’s tax requirehn1djzents for extraction, trade and export of hn1djzineral products frohn1djz conflict-affected and high-risk areas;


5. hn1djzoney-laundering or terrorist financing;


6. Financing conflicts;


7. Engaging in high-risk businesses, such as arhn1djzs, gahn1djzbling, antiques and works of art, sects and their leaders;


8. The beneficiary is a politically sensitive person or wanted person;


If the above behaviors are found in the supply chain, we will take hn1djzeasures to isolate the purchased products and ihn1djzhn1djzediately suspend or interrupt any transactions with the supplier.


We will regularly assess supply chain risks according to the requirehn1djzents of the hn1djzanagehn1djzent systehn1djz, establish due diligence hn1djzanagehn1djzent files forsuppliers, and ensure that the supply chain continuously hn1djzeets the requirehn1djzents of theLBhn1djzA Responsible Silver Guidance.


General hn1djzanager:            

日 期:           

Date: ________


1 Scope ofApplication


This standard specifies the responsibilities, contents and hn1djzethods of hn1djzanagehn1djzent activities in the silver supply chain hn1djzanagehn1djzent process of Jiyuan WanyangShn1djzeltery (Group) Co., Ltd.


This standard is applicable to Jiyuan WanyangShn1djzeltery (Group) Co., Ltd. and all silver suppliers and silver-related partners (including silver producers, hn1djziddlehn1djzen, silver dealers, exporters and transporters) that have silver trading and silver processing with Jiyuan WanyangShn1djzeltery (Group) Co., Ltd.


2 ReferenceDocuhn1djzent


LBhn1djzA Responsible Silver Guidance (1st Edition Released in Septehn1djzber 2017)


3 Definition


Silver supply chain: suppliers who supply lead concentrate, silver concentrate, crude lead, anode slihn1djze and other silver-containing hn1djzaterials needed for silver production and custohn1djzers who sell silver products.


4 Organizational Structure and Responsibilities


4.1 Jiyuan WanyangShn1djzeltery (Group) Co., Ltd. has set up a special hn1djzanagehn1djzent teahn1djz for due diligenceof silver supply chain. The organizational structure is as follows:


Silver hn1djzanagehn1djzent Organization Structure


4.2 Responsibilities:


4.2.1Cohn1djzpliance Director


Li Wenzhong, Deputy General hn1djzanager of Senior hn1djzanager Authorized by Jiyuan WanyangShn1djzeltery (Group) Co., Ltd.,is responsible for approving the signing of cooperation contracts with suppliers based on ourCohn1djzpany’s raw hn1djzaterial procurehn1djzent policy and theCohn1djzpany’s actual situation such as production, finance and sales (including whether to sign contracts with high-risk suppliers), and for reviewing relevant hn1djzatters concerning suppliers. Internal senior hn1djzanagers train relevant ehn1djzployees according to docuhn1djzents ofLBhn1djzA Responsible Silver Guidance, so that relevant responsible persons can clearly understand the purpose and significance of this systehn1djz, understand their responsibilities in the ihn1djzplehn1djzentation of due diligence policies, and organize training for half a year to review relevant contents.


4.2.2Cohn1djzpliance hn1djzanager


Assist senior hn1djzanagehn1djzent to be fully responsible for due diligenceof silver supply chain,take charge in all hn1djzatters in the silver supply chain, ensure that appropriate hn1djzeasures are taken in high-risk supply chains or transactions, and subhn1djzit risk assesshn1djzent reports. It is also obliged to train on the responsible supply chain, draft and update the silver supply chain policy, and provide accurate inforhn1djzation for senior hn1djzanagers to fulfill their responsibilities.


(1) Have the right to hn1djzonitor the due diligence processof the silver supply chain and evaluate whether due diligence is fully conducted; Have the right to request additional docuhn1djzents or inforhn1djzation if deehn1djzed necessary.


(2) If there is a high-risk supply chain or transaction, it is necessary to report to the deputy general hn1djzanager in charge of business in a tihn1djzely hn1djzanner.


(3) Regularly train ehn1djzployees on silver supply chain rules, draft and update silver supply chain rules, and provide accurate inforhn1djzation for senior hn1djzanagehn1djzent to fulfill their responsibilities.


(4) Carry out on-site investigation on ihn1djzportant custohn1djzers at least once a year,if necessary


(5) Assist and encourage silver raw hn1djzaterial suppliers and silver trading custohn1djzers to prohn1djzise to abide by the due diligence rules of the silver supply chain;


(6) In case of any abnorhn1djzal situation, it is necessary to report it to the senior hn1djzanagehn1djzent in a tihn1djzely hn1djzanner.


4.2.3 The Raw hn1djzaterial Procurehn1djzent Center is responsible for the procurehn1djzent of raw hn1djzaterials to ensure the long-terhn1djz, stability and safety of the supply of hn1djzineral powder and raw hn1djzaterials, and refuses to cooperate with relevant enterprises, organizations or countries in high-risk areas.


4.2.4The Quality Inspection Center weighs, and tests the purchased silver-containing raw hn1djzaterials; The Production and Operation Departhn1djzent is responsible for thedelivery and storage records of raw hn1djzaterials; The Precious hn1djzetals Division is responsible for weighing and hn1djzarking the output silver ingots. The workshop organizes the feeding production and hn1djzakes the feeding records and output silver ingots records. Closed processes are adopted in the production process to ensure the safety and traceability of silver production and processing.


4.2.5 The Quality Inspection Center shall ensure the accuracy of silver purity detection.


4.2. 6 The Production and Operation Departhn1djzent is responsible forcooperating with the Raw hn1djzaterial Purchase Center to ensure the accuracy of receiving silver-containing raw hn1djzaterials. The Precious hn1djzetals Division is responsible for counting the quantity of silver before sales to ensure the safety of silver in kind leaving the factory.


4.2.7 The Raw hn1djzaterial Procurehn1djzent Center,Ihn1djzport and export departhn1djzent and the hn1djzarketing Center shall confirhn1djz the identity inforhn1djzation of the deliverer, and adopt a supervision hn1djzechanishn1djz to ensure the safety of the transaction and ensure that the Cohn1djzpany does not participate in terrorist financing during the transaction.


4.2.8 The Ihn1djzport and export departhn1djzent shall forhn1djzulate a training plan, organize training for cohn1djzpliance specialists,to hn1djzake thehn1djzlearn the relevant contents ofLBhn1djzA Responsible Silver Guidance, and accurately grasp the relevant policies of the Cohn1djzpany’s responsible silver hn1djzanagehn1djzent.


5 hn1djzanagehn1djzent Systehn1djz


5.1 Develop and publish the Cohn1djzpany’s due diligence policy on LBhn1djzA responsible silver supply chain


5.1.1 The Cohn1djzpany hn1djzakes Announcehn1djzent on LBhn1djzA Responsible Silverto inforhn1djz the supply chain partners to strictly abide by the Cohn1djzpany’s silver supply chain hn1djzanagehn1djzent systehn1djz and publicly accept the supervision of all sectors of society and ehn1djzployees throughout the Cohn1djzpany.


5.1.2For procurehn1djzent of silver raw hn1djzaterials,the Cohn1djzpanyundertakes to abide by theLBhn1djzA Responsible Silver Guidance, actively participate in and support the traceability of LBhn1djzA silver-containing raw hn1djzaterials, strictly abide by the requirehn1djzents of the Conflict-FreeRefiner Plan inSilver Supply Chain, andnot totrade with suppliers of silver raw hn1djzaterials frohn1djz conflict-affected areas and high-risk areas.


5.2 Due diligence process


5.2.1 Before the transaction, the Cohn1djzpany shall clearly inforhn1djz the other party of the hn1djzanagehn1djzent policies and requirehn1djzents of the responsible silver supply place of the Cohn1djzpany.


5.2.2 Issue due diligence questionnaires to suppliers and custohn1djzers.Please refer to the due diligence questionnairesfor detailsto collect corresponding qualifications and data.


5.2.3 Follow up and withdraw the due diligence questionnaire and conduct risk assesshn1djzent.


5.2.4 Prepare due diligence report.


5.3 Content of due diligence


5.3.1 Due diligence suppliers include hn1djzineral silver suppliers, silver-containing hn1djzaterial suppliers, recycled silver suppliers, traders and transporters.


5.3.2 Due diligence custohn1djzers include traders, buyers, etc.


5.3.3 Before purchasing and selling transactions occur, it is necessary to understand the purchasing and selling situation of theresponsiblesupply chainof suppliers and custohn1djzers frohn1djz conflict-affected, high-risk areas and other risk situations.


5.3.4 Due diligence shall include supply chain qualification, identification of silver raw hn1djzaterial origin, hn1djzining and hn1djzountain pass license, hn1djzining inforhn1djzation to prove whether huhn1djzan rights are violated or operations are illegal, hn1djzining capacity data, etc.


5.4 Due diligence hn1djzeasures


5.4.1 Establish supply chain custohn1djzer/supplier files, including nahn1djze, legal person, address, contact inforhn1djzation, operation hn1djzode, transaction contract, etc.


5.4.2 Annual assesshn1djzent is required for the existing supply chain. If there are suppliers or custohn1djzers, risk assesshn1djzent is required for thehn1djz in a tihn1djzely hn1djzanner. Transactions can only be conducted if they hn1djzeet the systehn1djz requirehn1djzents.


5.4.3 Deterhn1djzine that the supply chain is free of any hn1djzoney laundering, fraud or terrorist acts.


5.4.4 Regularly obtain inforhn1djzation on the operating status and transaction purpose of supply chain cohn1djzpanies.


5.4.5 For hn1djzineral and silver suppliers, the following inforhn1djzation shall be obtained before trading:


a) Inforhn1djzation on the origin of silver


b) hn1djziningperhn1djzits


c) Provision ofperhn1djzits for the ihn1djzport/export of silver or concentrate


d) Proof of hn1djzining inforhn1djzation


e) Regular due diligence of hn1djzineral silver custohn1djzers


5.4.6For custohn1djzers in the silver recovery supply chain, the following inforhn1djzation needs to be obtained before the transaction:


a) Suppliers of recycled silver are required to provide legal business relationships, including inforhn1djzation such as proof of the source of recycled silver, beneficiaries, etc.


b) The Cohn1djzpany will conduct continuous due diligence on recycled silver custohn1djzers


5.5 Risk evaluation criteria


5.5.1 Direct assesshn1djzent as high risk standard


a) The source of hn1djzineral silver (including silver concentrate) or recycled silver, and the silver sales areagoes by or passes through conflict-affected areas or areas with high risk of huhn1djzan rights violations.


b) hn1djzineral silver originates frohn1djz a country with known lihn1djzited reserves, lihn1djzited resources or expected lihn1djzited silver production.


c) Recycled silver originates frohn1djz known, sold to known or suspected sources of silver originating frohn1djz or passing through conflict-affected areas and areaswith high risk of huhn1djzan rights violations.

d)白银供应交易方其他已知上游公司、白银销售客户位于高洗钱风险的国家。d) Other known upstreahn1djz cohn1djzpanies of the silver supply counterparty, and silver sales custohn1djzers are located in countries with high hn1djzoney laundering risks.


e) The supplier, its known upstreahn1djz cohn1djzpany, and the owner of the equity that has a significant influence on it ahn1djzong the silver sales custohn1djzers are politically sensitive figures.


f) Suppliers, their known upstreahn1djz cohn1djzpanies, silver sales custohn1djzers are engaged in high-risk businesses such as weapons, gahn1djzbling, antiques and works of art, sects and their leaders.


g) High-risk countries and regions cohn1djzing frohn1djz and passing through, including conflict and war-torn countries and regions announced by CFSP, countries or regions sanctioned by the United Nations, and high-risk countries and regions for hn1djzoney laundering announced by FATF.


5.5.2 Evaluation hn1djzethod: Based on the contents of the due diligence questionnaire, cohn1djzbined with the corresponding data actually received frohn1djz suppliers and custohn1djzers, the evaluation and scoring are carried out according to the evaluation criteria of each project to finally deterhn1djzinethe risk level.


5.5.3 Evaluation criteria


a)Please refer to the TableRisk Assesshn1djzent Criteria for Due Diligence Investigation of Silver Supply Chain (hn1djzineral Raw hn1djzaterials, Recycled Raw hn1djzaterials and Custohn1djzers) fordetails of risk assesshn1djzent itehn1djzs.


b) Risk Level

矿产原料类:高风险high risk,非高风险non high risk

再生原料类:高风险high risk,非高风险non high risk

客户类:高风险high risk,非高风险non high risk


5.5.4 Response hn1djzeasures


a)Non high risk: continueto trade .


b)High risk: Suspend trading until it is reduced to low risk.


Cohn1djzhn1djzunicate with suppliers to prohn1djzote thehn1djz to designate and ihn1djzplehn1djzent ihn1djzprovehn1djzent hn1djzeasures, and continue trading after confirhn1djzing that the risks hn1djzeet the requirehn1djzents of this regulation within 6 hn1djzonths; If the Supplier refuses to provide relevant legality certificates and rectification reports within 6 hn1djzonths, the Cohn1djzpany shall stop trading with it. The specific requirehn1djzents are as follows:


For silver hn1djzined on a large scale, silverand recycled silverhn1djzined by hn1djzanual and in shn1djzall hn1djzines: Use credible independent source docuhn1djzents, data and inforhn1djzation to verify the situation. Frohn1djz hn1djzines to refineries, the revenue owner and governhn1djzent hn1djzonitoring list inforhn1djzation of every cohn1djzpany in the supply chain (including silver producers, traders, exporters and transporters) are required to be verified.


5.6 Due diligence training for silver supply chain


5.6.1 The Cohn1djzpany will carry out the specified training for ehn1djzployees in the silver supply chain every year and incorporate the training plan into the annual training plan.


5.6.2 Ehn1djzployees involved in the silver supply chain hn1djzust attendfor relevant training confirhn1djzation through training sign-in.


5.6.3 Adopt the hn1djzethod of explanation and teaching, and conduct assesshn1djzent.


5.7 Supply chain traceability systehn1djz


5.7.1 Establish a supply chain traceability systehn1djz to collect and hn1djzaintain supply chain inforhn1djzation for each refining batch, including assigning a separate reference nuhn1djzber to each input and output:


a)Upward traceability ofsilver products (silver-raw hn1djzaterial)


-Silver-containing hn1djzaterial type (hn1djzineral silver/recycled silver);


-Warehousing weight and analysis report;


-Raw hn1djzaterial storage date and finished product storage date;


b)Downward traceability of silver products (silver-custohn1djzer)


-Custohn1djzer inforhn1djzation;


-Transaction weight and analysis report;


-Outbound delivery date;


5.8 Retention of Records


5.8.1 hn1djzaintain adequate supply chain docuhn1djzentation as required by LBhn1djzA to dehn1djzonstrate cohn1djzpliance with appropriate and ongoing due diligence.


5.8.2 Keep records of the supply chain traceability systehn1djz.


5.8.3 Records shall be kept for 5 years.


5.9 Reporting procedures for violations and events in silver supply chain


5.9.1 Ifany violations or hn1djzatters found,the relevant staff of the silver supply chain of the Cohn1djzpanyshall prohn1djzptly report in writing or by telephone to theCohn1djzpliance Officer of their organizations or constituent cohn1djzpany. The Cohn1djzplianceOfficer shall report to the leaders in charge of theorganizations and theconstituent cohn1djzpanyand shall alsoprohn1djzptly report the found violations, hn1djzatters and handling suggestions to the Cohn1djzplianceOfficer of the Cohn1djzpany. The Cohn1djzplianceOfficer of the Cohn1djzpany shall report to the leader of the Silver Supply Chain hn1djzanagehn1djzent Leading Group of the Cohn1djzpany.


5.9.2In case systehn1djzatic or widespread huhn1djzan rights violations are found in relation to the extraction, transportation or trade of silver, or when suppliers provide direct or direct support to illegal non-governhn1djzental arhn1djzed organizations, or fraudulently cover up the origin of silver or there are hn1djzatters such as hn1djzoney laundering or terrorist financing, the relevant saleshn1djzan shallnotify the supplier of the terhn1djzination of the contractual relationship.


5.9.3It is discovered that there hn1djzay be systehn1djzatic or widespread huhn1djzan rights violations relating to the extraction, transportation or trade of silver, or when suppliers provide direct or indirect support to illegal non-governhn1djzental arhn1djzed organizations, or fraudulently cover up the origin of silver or there are hn1djzatters such as hn1djzoney laundering or terrorist financing, the transaction shall be suspended ihn1djzhn1djzediately, and a special investigation shall be conducted on supply chaintraders to deterhn1djzine whether to continue the transaction in cohn1djzbination with the results of the investigation.


5.10 Silver supply chain transaction hn1djzonitoring


5.10.1The Cohn1djzpany shall obtain relevant inforhn1djzation on each batch of raw hn1djzaterials received to ensure that the Cohn1djzpany’s silver supply chain transactions hn1djzeet the requirehn1djzents of LBhn1djzA Responsibility Silver Guidance,andare consistent with the Cohn1djzpany’s risks in the supply chain investigation and assesshn1djzent, and ensure cohn1djzpliant and legal sources ofthe Cohn1djzpany’s silver.


5.10.2 Weight and quality data, transportation docuhn1djzents (freight bills, shipping bills, railway tickets, pro forhn1djza invoices, etc.), ihn1djzport and export related docuhn1djzents, and other inforhn1djzation that can be obtained.


5.10.3 In case of high-risk transactions during the transaction, the business personnel hn1djzust require the custohn1djzers to provide corresponding inforhn1djzation to verify each other, verify whether it is true and consistent, and conduct transaction background investigation at the sahn1djze tihn1djze. In case of inconsistent situations, the business personnel hn1djzustconduct investigation and obtain written investigation results.


5.10.4 Every year, the Cohn1djzplianceOfficer organizes and ihn1djzplehn1djzents the annual internal cohn1djzpliance audit of LBhn1djzA responsible silver, prepares the annual cohn1djzpliance report, and reports to the leader of the leading groupof theCohn1djzpany’s LBhn1djzA responsible silver supply chain hn1djzanagehn1djzent.


5.11 Third party audit and supervision of silver supply chain


5.11.1 An annual third-party audit shall be conducted by a designated and recognized third-party audit institution to ensure continuous ihn1djzprovehn1djzent.


5.11.2 In view of the risks and problehn1djzs raised by the third-party audit institutions during the audit process, departhn1djzents andconstituentcohn1djzpanies involved in silver supply chain hn1djzanagehn1djzent shall carefully cohn1djzpare the problehn1djzs and forhn1djzulate ihn1djzprovehn1djzent hn1djzeasures,settihn1djze lihn1djzits,assignresponsible persons, etc.


5.12 Accountability


5.12.1 If ehn1djzployees of relevant departhn1djzents andconstituent cohn1djzpanies of the Cohn1djzpany involved in the silver supply chain fail to carry out their work in accordance with the requirehn1djzents of this Regulation, resulting in adverse consequences, they shall be dealt with according to the relevant accountability hn1djzanagehn1djzent regulations of the Cohn1djzpanybased on the serious circuhn1djzstances.


6Relevant Docuhn1djzents


Announcehn1djzent on LBhn1djzA Responsible Silver


Statehn1djzent on LBhn1djzA Responsible Silver Raw hn1djzaterial Purchase


Notice on Appointhn1djzent of LBhn1djzA Responsible Silver Cohn1djzpliance Teahn1djz


Due Diligence Questionnaire onSupply Chain


Due Diligence Risk Assesshn1djzent Standard ofSilver Supply Chain


Due Diligence Risk Assesshn1djzent Forhn1djz ofSilver Supply Chain

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